seral cuvalcioglu


Eastern Mediterranean University 2020- Present

MSc General Psychology with Thesis

University Reading 2016 - 2019

BSc Psychology and Language Sciences

*Accredited by the British Psychological Society

Third Year Research Project: How Visual Imaginary Perspectives affect Motivation for Future Actions.


Languages: English (Fluent); Turkish (Fluent); French (Conversational); Arabic (Conversational)

Employment & Voluntary Experience

Assistant Psychologist

  • Provided clinical support under supervision.
  • Created draft reports and summaries of patient assessments and observations.
  • Helped plan and evaluate patient treatment programs.

Barıs Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi June-August 2019

Voluntary Intern Psychologist

  • Observed meetings with patients and families.
  • Gained observational experience on play therapy with children.
  • Observed how written patient records and statistical representations of patient behaviour were prepared.

University of Reading 01.01.18-01.06.18

Project Assistant (Theory of Mind in Children)

  • Analysed experimental videos and coded data.
  • Informed researchers on procedural errors and flagged relating data for the betterment of experimental analysis.
  • Noted discrepancies in data.

Primary School, Reading 07.02.17-07.05.17

Helper (Students in Schools programme)

  • Attended the School for 3 hours every week to support children requiring extra support with their reading
  • Tailored my approach and communication style to each child to ensure they felt comfortable
  • Observed the students’ actions in order to be able to help those that were too shy to ask for it.
  • Encouraged the students to take part in the class and gave them praises for their work and efforts.

Training & Certificates

  • Rorschach ve Projektif Testler Derneği –

Cocuk Cizimlerinin Projektif Degerlendirilmesi Egitimi - Funda AKKAPULU (2021 – çevrimiçi devam ediyor).

  • CNS Vital Signs Uygulayici Egitimi
  • Parents Plus Erken Yaşlar Programı 



Bu sitede yer alan tüm yazılar bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Teşhis ve / veya tedavi amaçlı kullanılamaz.

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